Friday, April 15, 2016

Joseph Campbell Foundation Roundtable Meetings in DeLand, Florida Third Monday of Each Month

Durga and Kali have been guiding me with myth for decades,
helping me cut through tragedy, trauma and ego
and leading me to divine truth
Live your Myth! It's magic!
For years I hosted Joseph Campbell Foundation Roundtable meetings in my homes in Colorado. I had attended the Mythic Journey's Conference in Atlanta in 2004 and connected with the amazing people out there working in myth and was invited to attend the second conference in 2005 with JCF. I also attended the Esalen Mythological Toolbox in 2005. I missed the plane to Monterey, California the following year as it was excessively crazy airport traffic that following year as I had to put my little kids on a plane to San Antonio first to stay with grandparents for my ability to travel. SO........

I decided that needed to take time off for my kids and personal mythic journey, so I took a risk and followed my bliss. I left Colorado, my home state of 38 years, in 2010 to travel and live abroad with my kids, homeschooling them with yoga and story. I landed in DeLand, Florida and the wonderful storytellers there were excited to hear about myth and Joseph Campbell, which is really all yoga!

 I pointed them in the direction to start a Mythological Roundtable here. We have been meeting steadily at the home of a psychotherapist and includes my neighbors, Tony Foresta and Kaye Armstrong, who were the audio and video team that worked on Bill Moyer's PBS Series with Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth

The next meeting is this Monday April 18 at 7 pm in DeLand, Florida. Contact Bill at wbrennan8(at)

As my kids are now older teens and the Storytime Yoga for Kids work coming to its fullness and all my creative projects completed, the Mythic Yoga realm I put off (took town my website in 2006, will be back soon!) just bubbles up even more powerful, as the body, yoga and stories link me more and more powerful to the inner world and the divine truth within everything connected.

Join us! Start a Joseph Campbell Foundation Roundtable in your area! Follow your myth! Connect with others, especially youth, and let's bring myth, peace and wellbeing back to the world via body and word! I will be presenting more Mythic Yoga programs in the future. Stay tuned! In the meantime, Read my E-book Mythic Yoga: Vishnu's Dream: Ancient Hindu Myth and Personal Story to get inspired by the myths and activate within you realization of your life's unique personal story and destiny.

Join me at Yoga Circle and Dance in Ormond Beach, Florida on May 14 for Mythic Yoga Workshop!

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